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Railway product certification center

Matters of equipping medical facilities reviewed


The Head of State got acquainted with the presentation of proposals to equip medical institutions and improve the quality of services.

Hospitals are provided with modern equipment in order to improve public health and quality of treatment. At least 100 billion soums are allocated annually from the budget for this purpose. In addition, last year alone, $200 million of foreign investment and $94 million of grants were attracted for the purchase of high-tech medical equipment.

As a result, computer tomographs, magnetic resonance tomographs and angiographs, which used to be available only in republican institutions, are now installed in regional and dozens of district hospitals. This means that specialized medical services have become closer to the people.

This year, 200 billion soums have been allocated from the state budget for these purposes. It is also planned to attract $370 million of foreign investment in the health sector.

Plans to equip medical institutions were outlined during the presentation.

In particular, 21 thousand units of medical equipment of 45 types and 6 reanimobiles will be purchased for 230 obstetric institutions across the country at the expense of $100 million of the Asian Development Bank.

Using 30 million euros of the German bank KfW, 862 units of equipment for treatment of cardiovascular diseases will be installed in 19 medical institutions of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm. In addition, a training center and a student dormitory will be built in the city of Termez with a grant of 13.5 million euros from the same bank. The center will be equipped with modern training and simulation equipment and information technologies.

The President emphasized that equipping medical institutions is only a part of the task and it is essential to train qualified specialists capable of working with the new equipment. The task has been set to organize additional training for doctors and nurses in the relevant institutions.

It was noted that it is also important to effectively use the available equipment. Thus, in the regions the average load on angiographs is only 34 percent, and the indicators on tomographs in different regions vary significantly.

In this regard, together with khokimiyats it is planned to implement projects on outsourcing and public-private partnership aimed at efficient operation of high-tech equipment in state medical institutions.


Railway product certification center

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