Limited Liability Company “Center for Certification of Railway Products” was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-6096 dated October 27, 2020 “On measures to accelerate the reform of enterprises with the participation of the state and the privatization of state assets” and also, on the basis of Order No. 143k-PO dated November 5, 2020 of the Tashkent City Territorial Administration of the State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is the sole founder with a 100% stake in the authorized capital.
LLC “Center for Certification of Railway Products” operates in accordance with the Charter of the Company, the Law “On Limited and Additional Liability Companies” and other current legislative, regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The main activity of LLC Center for Certification of Railway Products is the certification and testing of locomotives, trains, machinery, equipment, materials, parts and assemblies used in railway transport, as well as other types of products. Implementation of inspection control over certified products and services.